Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dead Childrens Playground

This is a very awkward place that I have heard about and I am very excited to set up film there next week. I am going to give you a little background story on this place and try to give you the proper setting. Apparently there is a run down playground on the edge of an old cemetery and the story is that one day a father got mad at his kids and killed them and buried them underneath the playground. So every night between the hours of 11pm and 3am the children will be swinging on the swing set of the old playground. I have been told by many people that this is very legitimate and I plan to do my own investigation this week. I will post the new video no later than next Saturday 10/12/2013.

-Joseph Chansuolme :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back to the film

As many of you know, I have a couple videos that I have not posted on youtube. No worries it will be posted soon enough (lol). I do want everyone to know that I have started to film everyday and night in my apartment now. No, I have not caught anything on tape yet, but I can feel that the "ghost" is still here. I do not know really how to explain it. Also I will start to answer questions from comments on a vlog weekly and try to go into further details. Thanks for everyone support! 

-Joseph Lee Chansuolme


I was wondering what everyone would think if I start to answer question on a vlog weekly? any ideas?