Monday, September 3, 2012


This past week I have noticed that either my eyes are playing tricks on me or I am seeing shadows following me late at night. Sometimes I swear I see something in the corner but I try not to let it know that I saw it. Does anyone else have this problem? And I do appreciate all the advice and support!


  1. Hi. thanks for sharing your findings. you said in a past post that you had done some research & found that you thought it was a demon, is there any chance you could share your research please? can you recall any big event or a traumatic event before these creepy things started happening that may have been a trigger? also have you considered seeing medium? they may be able to pick up on somerhing & advise you to make contact or just reassure you that your not in danger. forgive all the questions. stay safe Joseph.

  2. hey dont know if you believe in god but if you do and you know somewhat about the bible im gonna ask you to do something my mom told me to do and kinda helped me because i use to deal some what similar stuff like you get your bible or a bible if possible 2 bibles open them and put them on psalm 91 read it before you go to sleep put one bible under your pillow open with psalm 91 and the other one just leave any where around the house i think best the bedroom and also leave it open to psalm 91 i hope this works for you.

    1. this use to work back in the days. dont think it would help but can always give it a try. if you dont believe in god it wont have no effect

    2. I'm a Christian and have experienced some similar events not just at home. I agree. There is definitely something about Psalm 91. Good suggestion!

  3. I agree with Nate. The Lord's Prayer is a good prayer to recite. According to some ancient texts, ghosts/demons are spirits of those that lived selfish, careless and hateful lives. None of the evil spirits will hang around you if you start to learn and practice a humble lifestyle. The spirits will find you to be very boring. Book of Enoch is an interesting read. It talks about Watchers that make chimeras which become evil spirits. The Watchers are ufo pilots often referred to as fallen angels.

  4. In my family we are all very well known for being psychic and seeing/living with spirits/ghosts. If you had a demon in your apartment it would not be nice to you. It would do everything it can to get you out of "it's house". That being said the being living with you in your apartment is trying to let you know that it's there. If you acknowledge it, and let it know that you both live there now and that you would like it to stop running up your water/electric bill. It will likely stop being a pest.Or just right out say, leave my house now and don't come back.
    It's not going to do you any good if you feel fear or become scared. Also remember these are people, spirits and ghosts were once living in a body just like you and I. Some just don't want to go back to heaven yet.

  5. Sounds like it's getting comfortable with you. Most ghosts won't manifest much at all, but yours seems just as curious with you as you are with it. Manifesting as fleeting shadows, however, shows that it's not bold enough to show itself to you straight up, which I'm sure you're fine with ;D. If it really starts to bother you, tell it so. As Shevon said, ghosts are the energies of people, and most people will be courteous enough to respect your wishes. If it bore you ill will, you would know by now.

    1. Oh, also, if you can get a hold of an EMF detector, do a sweep of your place to get a reading of baseline magnetic fields. It's entirely possible that you've got high EMFs, which is are areas of high magnetic fields caused by large amounts of electricity being run through it (usually due to lots of wires or open electricity sources); these can cause feelings of anxiety, paranoia, being watched, nausea, etc., especially in people who are sensitive to magnetic fields, and might explain some of what you're feeling. It also might explain the activity; it's theorized that ghosts draw energy from their environments to manifest and interact with physical objects, and high EMFs can assist in that. However, if you have a low baseline reading, you can then take readings during activity, and if you find that the baseline has gone up, that lends all the more credibility to your paranormal claims.

    2. You know your stuff. I applaud you

  6. Joseph, you have to do the background check on that residence. Check the law enforcement agency in that jurisdiction and ask for a premise history. That will help you a lot if you can get a story behind the events. Also, are your neighbors experienceing any strange phenomena????

  7. Hey bro,

    Could you try keeping this playing (on auto-repeat) throughout the night in your apartment?

    It is a verse from the Glorious Qur'an, labelled the 'Verse of the Throne' and it is believed to be an effective protection against all evil entities. Sounds like it may be very well worth a try in your case as well.

    Try doing a video with this playing in the background as you sleep.

    May God Almighty keep you safe my brother. Stay strong.


    1. And here is the chapter in which the above verse occurs. It is said that Satan is barred from entering a house where this chapter is recited on a daily basis. As with the link in my last post above, this one too has English translation embedded into the video so you can see what is being recited.

      My recommendation would be to play this one in its entirety (as it already contains the 'verse of the throne') each night as you sleep while filming yourself. IT is about 1hour 30minutes long.

      OR, if you're intending on making a shorter video, then play list the 'verse of the throne' i.e. on repeat.

      In case you want to talk, my email is 'my user ID in this post @ G'

  8. Yo contact me.. 8322795536

  9. yeah i see that stuff to jennabear. there is always something around everyone. just some people can see them is all. i have alot around me i can see them and some speak with me or try to comunicate with me. its something that for me inst scary because i have had it around for a long time.

  10. Holy crap! just found these vids. U need to cleanse ur home and be careful. At the very least burn some sage in each room. That burner turning on was very scary. Be safe Joseph!!

  11. Usually, you can just strait tell it to knock it off.
    i had some freaky and profound events take place in my apartment some time back. i just told it to knock it off or get the hell out.
    i haven't had a problem since.
    and don't give into all the hoopla.
    this isn't necessarily a "demon".

  12. Not sure if its friendly. I'm thinking demon and it will follow you no matter where you move. The lords prayer hmm...? If you want to find out if its a demon read that backwards. God bless and don't cut the vids short.

  13. i Have Been Recently Looking, Watching Some of Your Videos And From my Point of View i Would Say That Some of The Evidence That You Are Capturing Some Amazing Stuff. it Would be Really Helpful if You Sent Some of Your Videos to Shows Like Ghost Adventures And Shows Like That Because They Might Interview You And Investigate Your House. Any Ways The Ghosts Seem to Like The Stuff That You do Like Turning on The Lights, Moving Objects, Making Noises, And Showing Themselves VIA Orbs. For Further Evidence i Suggest That You Would Get a Digital Recorder And Try to Ask Questions And See if They Respond to You. Another Really Wonderful Tool You Could Use Would be a Digital X Camera, Before You go to Bed Take Pictures And See if You Get Any Figures. One Last Thing Where in The World is This Taking Place?

  14. Hi my name is Franzen from the Philippines.i myself experienced that also and to the fact one time in my life experienced to be so called how do i tell you this...hmmm... like someone is whispering in your ear and you canfeel the breath the thing is i dont even understand what she is saying and its like murmuring with her breath strongly touching my ears she is so close and i just brush my ear in my surprised! and i started to pray believe my prayers where like she cutting me out until i have finished it..and she was gone. why iam telling you this its because in the spirit world they can cross over to the physical world where i believe that its not meant to be crossed! so my advise is to pray and believe in God and have faith and talk to this spirit to let them know that they are already dead and they have to go back. Your aura is so open and they are attracted to your light..if you will keep doing this you will get sick in the end.if you dont to be disturb i suggest is to put food on the table like some rice and a water and put it around 12mn and offer the food and tell them not to disturb you..have faith to our God..i know this sounds corny but God is our creator and even satan bows to God!remember this satan has already been defeated by Jesus Christ and this spirits needs prayers..if you have a bible i suggest also to read the new testament starting on Mathew and leave it open every night after reading each page...have faith to God my friend. if this things that is happening on your apartment is true, then its only you and God can to put them away.Dont believe in this spirits but believe only God the father and Jesus Christ only..believe me they will go away.... unless you want the camera continue rolling its up to you..but let me remind as a friend that this is not healthy... hope you will read this and think about it. thanks! :)

  15. Joseph,
    Part 1 0f 2
    These are really awesome videos. I consider myself a curious skeptic, but what I see in your clips validates the accounts of others who have told me about visitations they've experienced. The most credible ones were told to me by staff at a hospital I used to work in - psychiatrists, nurses, and technicians. They went to a house warming party of a couple who had recently moved into a new home. They all witnessed pounding from upstairs when no one was up there, orbs, and cold spots. There were other individual stories about things being moved and such, but it was still just hearsay to me – after all, I wasn’t there at the time, and the couple had moved out before I got there. Things started getting really out of hand for them. I got interested though, and did a lot of reading with hopes of seeing such things for myself to satisfy my belief or doubt. I look at your videos and ponder what "tricks" you may have resorted to to make it all look so real, but honestly, and please take no offense, you don't seem particularly sophisticated enough in the paranormal to accomplish such a feat. I don't know, maybe you're just fooling us with that innocent Southern boy facade, but I think not - I mean, you even show us your unkempt quarters with no shame. I look and say to myself, The Dude Abides. You seem like a decent, honest guy to me, who means no trouble.

    The fact that much of what appears in the videos fits the classic, textbook traits of a poltergeist might be reason to doubt, but I tend not to go that way. As far as I can tell, the preponderance of evidence presented in the videos, and your naked reactions to the events, lean toward this being the real deal, and I'm going with that.

    If it's any help at all, I just want to share some of my thoughts and observations that some others have touched on, and maybe some that haven't been. If it sounds silly or like old news, just ignore.

    Here are some common poltergeist traits:
    - Poltergeist activity is almost always mischievous, unsettling by its nature, and childish. In fact, many say that most poltergeists are children or have brain disorders that kept them from maturing before they died and "got stuck here." They pretty much limit themselves to committing general attention-getters. They aren’t necessarily evil or malicious, but there are exceptions, just as in "real" life.
    - Most don't intend to do harm, but, thinking of them as children or mentally disabled, their judgment may be poor sometimes - such as turning on the burner. I was wondering if you found it still on when you got up, or was it turned off by then. They could still cause inadvertent harm by something falling on someone, or having something thrown at you. Again, thinking of them as active, reckless children, they can damage stuff.
    - They're intelligent in that they will sometimes interact, and place things inside of other things, etc. Yours knows what a camera is and takes advantage of it. The jiggling Christmas tree and turning on the water while the camera is capturing it, then whacking the camera itself, tells me that it wants you to know that it knows what's going on. I get chills every time I watch the videos where the camera is getting shaken - I think it's because it seems like he's messing with ME, the viewer, now. It definitely wants you to know it’s there.
    - However, the EVP that sounds loud and clear to me in headphones as saying, "I noticed that" is an adult voice, and not necessarily one that seems particularly mentally impaired - crazy, maybe, but doesn't fit the classic definition I mentioned before. I think I hear another EVP in the same video (#5) when the water is running. At 3:55 I hear a whisper of something like "_ ___ __ ...annoy." (I like to …annoy?) I'm totally guessing, but it seems to have that cadence. It could just be the interplay of the water and the drain, but it also sounds like an adult male voice whispering.
    End of Part 1

  16. You should try putting out some trigger objects even though it looks like you don't need and film them. Things like toys or flashlights to see if they turn them on and off. Or sit down your self and record you doing an evp session. Good luck!

  17. Have you contacted Ghost Hunters on the sci-fi channel?

  18. hmmm well you got a sprite follewing you. it could be a family member you lost or a friend. can also be a stranger. long as your a fraid he/her will never stop follewing you. am guessing now your wondering how to get rid of it huh????u gonna need few item. if and when u reply to this message l can tell u what to get. but be WARN!!! makesure the sprite aint around when am tellin u what to get bcuz it wil harm u

  19. I see light and black shadows, my grandfather said that's not good to see the black ones and when I see that I should pray and ask God's protection.
    Light shadows are good spirits, sometimes they pass right trough me and they smell like roses (sometimes).
    I also feel the spirits presence sometimes, I'm kind of afraid of that but it's something I have to face in my life so...what can I do about it?
    I had a couple of more strong experiences in the past where I really saw the spirit, but I couldn't actually see her face, and it was like the spirit had no idea I was able to see her, she just kept doing her stuff.
    Once I saw a boy and this was the first time I could see the face of a spirit and look him in the eyes, when he realized I was seeing him, he tried to hide himself, and I was brave enough to keep looking at him, because I was so curious, and he just kept hiding.
    So these were some of the experiences I had.
    I pray a lot and ask that God helps these spirits somehow.
    My mother also saw things but she doesn't like to talk about that. She sometimes know what's going to happen, sometimes she gives these serious advices to us and it's like she knows something will happen and then something serious really happens.

  20. I have to say that I see shadow all the time, hear what I think is my Grandma, Boyfriend, or my children calling my name when they are not. I have been touched, knocked out of my bed, had the covers pulled off of me, had stuff moved, hear stuff moving around in my kitchen at night, and I have had doors open and close also. I am use to it by now because this has been happen every since I was a child. I can sometimes tell a person that the phone is going to ring before it does. I can also tell if someone living or not walks into the room. I have seen those that have passed on. I have dreams that come true, and I know when someone pulls up in my yard before they come to my door (that is if their car is not making a loud noise then of course I know someone is out in the yard lol). I have been told that I am a sensitive because I can also pick up on other peoples feelings even if I am talking to them on the phone. I have seen, felt, and experience all kinds of unexplained things my entire life. I can even ride by a place and tell if it is haunted or not. I cannot explain it I just get this feeling and I have even had spirits walk through me that is not a pleasant experience let me tell you. If you want to talk more then email me ( Thanks! :)

  21. My EMail ADD -
