My paranormal vids

This is all the footage I have for my own paranormal experiences. Hope you enjoy!


  1. All right! I concede. You have serious issues (in your apt, that is). I still wouldn't call it a demon, but starting a fricking burner on your stove is VERY bad. Please make sure you aren't encouraging it - at this point, it could endanger your own life and that of the people in your building by starting a fire. Someone suggested calling a priest or something to that effect, and that may be a fine idea. Spiritualists may be another option, but the priest may be the best way to go. And by the way, what about full-disclosure on rentals? I would love to know.
    But here is the thing; if you call in a Catholic Priest and he performs his cleansing (ask for both you and the apt too) in the name of the Church and the Almighty God, be sure not to acknowledge or encourage shenanigans thereafter. NO offense, but you seem a bit thrilled and hopeful that you will get some more proof...and that is a thrill for "it". It may be scared off by the Priest, but who knows. Make sure you WANT to get rid of this boogey-team (cus dude you have multiple orbs there before you even go to sleep - you can see them flying around, unless you have a lot of dust or tiny bugs). It does seem like more than one haunting. *shakes head* Shakespeare said, in reference to the ghost of his father in Hamlet - "there are more things on heaven and earth than are dreampt of in your philosophy." and I think he was and still is right on the money. Good luck, my friend. This is frightening - and potentially hazardous - stuff. I am not even Christian, I might have a problem asking for a blessing from him - but in this case I might just come to terms with doing it. Because it is dangerous, you may want to, after everything is said and done on moving out of your place (I recommend it) tell the apartment people (God forbid) but it's dangerous for the next tennant and any thereafter, potentially. Sigh. Good luck.

    1. You are right-on Julzrael although it doesn't take a Catholic priest to cast out and get rid of this demonic spirit, and it IS or there are multiple demonic spirits doing this. I would find someone that is TOTALLY devoted to the Lord and who is knowledgeable about dealing with demonic spirits and that realm! You are right!! They are nothing to encourage or fool with! Jesus himself said that the devil was a murderer from the beginning so it needs to be dealt with and FAST!! Again, don't entertain it (them) and get rid of them via a minister OR person that is filled with the Holy Spirit and can discern and deal with this situation!

  2. Do you see all the crazy white streaks always running through the video like on # 5 as soon as you turn off the light the streaks are running all over the place, and in the same video when you wake up to turn on the light there is a streak right over your head. At least they don't touch you, it seems like the ghost or ghosts is someone that used to live there and is using stuff as if they were alive. Find out if anyone died in the apartment or maybe you should just move.

    1. Those are orbs going super sonic I know I have personally felt and seen demonic and angelic entities and those who deny such a thing are weak minded and far from the light. Me personally I have been thrown across the room, had plates thrown at me, woke up from dead sleep to a power choking me. I had to cleans my house without the the church because they though I was telling lies. It probably was because they were afraid of such things or had no belief in it. You don't have to look far for supernatural entities there all around good and bad you just have to open your eyes to see and believe.

  3. O: really scary dude
    i think you should move . . .
    BTW the anon up here noticed something about some white little spheres so did i have u noticed them out on your vids?? are they bugs or something else?? check them out they appear in most of your vids

    1. Those things are merely dust specs refracting a little infrared light..

  4. The spheres are orbs

  5. same sort of activites is happening in my appartment in Saudi Arabia .. huhhh .. your videos are the best evidence for non-believers .

  6. So much for being disappointed at no activity!.You have atleast three spirits in your appartment.Just watching your videos i really don't think they are demons.If they were you'd have more shadows and attacks on you.I've never heard of demons representing themselves as orbs.They are mischieviuos though.Have you ever thought about doing a clearing on your home.Spirits crave to get our attention and often mess with things.I still can't find my second set of medicare cards that were sitting on top of my mobile phone and that was three years ago!Spirits are of energy and are attracted to it.So lights TV etc are usually played with. They draw energy off you and surrounds to manifest themselves and that takes alot of energy hence the feeling of being cold.

    1. You are really very brave when such things happen in your apartment. I've always seen your videos on a light before anything you happens.Have t the already noticed? You know also why you have a ghost?

  7. I think Joseph has left the building!

  8. my daughter has watched your videos and thinks u may have a childs presence.. its very mischevious and clearly wanted your attention and now you have started filming it is putting on a show almost to prove its there.. she would just like to know if there is still activity when the camera is off? and is the activity happening in multipal rooms in one night?

  9. Hi Joseph,

    please try the "Rosenkranzgebete" if you want back into your normal life. I am sorry I do not know the english translation.

    Best wishes from Germany,

  10. Joseph disappeared, like a ghost!

  11. Your very brave sir! I am really engrossed in your videos, let us know you are ok lol

  12. hey im still waiting on your next video:)

  13. I have never in my life seen such fakes. Wow. If you want attention, you're going about it the wrong way.

  14. One more thing. Not sure this would help but on all the paranormal shows we've watched over the years all the psychics talk about surrounding themselves in Gods white light. Maybe you should try picturing a safe calming pure white light around you when u are seeing the shadows. Even tho this entity is not hurting you you still need to protect yourself. I read another post that mentioned our thoughts having power. Well if that's true then try to erase the negative scary thoughts out of your mind and simply imagine a soft white light surrounding and protecting you. At the very least it may help keep this thing away from you physically. Especially when your showering. Lol!! Good luck!

  15. Kind of odd that you haven't posted any EVP captures yet. I would think with what paranormal activity that's going on in your apartment, you'd get some sort of EVP's out of it?

  16. Pretty compelling vids- I am still on the fence, though.
    Why are all the videos only at night?

  17. you should contact the ghost adventures dudes and have them utilize all their fancy high tech gear.

  18. Wow. The orbes that fly around you in every video are amazing. They're there even when you're talking to the camera. I don't know how you sleep through some of this stuff. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, let alone stay asleep! You are a braver person than me. I'd be too scared to be there by myself!! From what I've seen, I believe you! Hope you're still ok, and got in touch with some professionals.

  19. Did you notice the "orb" at 1:27? & I noticed there have been no more videos posted for a while now. Did you move? Update us plz! Thx :)

    1. **in video #4 with Christmas tree..

    2. orbs are too easy to dismiss as dust or flying insects. We don't normally see all the dust flying around us. Cameras have a knack for seeing all the dust. Our eyes can only see it when the light hits it just right. So don't take all the talk about 'orbs' to heart. You do have a ghost. If I was demonic it would be attacking you to induce the maximum fear response. All the things I've seen in your video seem to me to be the ordinary routine of someone who is living. Like going into a cabinet to get something to eat. Turning on a faucet to wash you hands. Turning on a burner on the stove in preparation to cook something... Trying to pick up car keys. Problem is when you are dead and a lost soul you aren't thinking clearly. You don't understand why your apartment looks so different or where your stuff has gone. You can't figure out why sometimes you can move stuff and sometimes you can't. And then there are strangers living in your space. I wonder if this stuff happens during the day while you are out?

  20. I understand you are going through all this paranormal activity. If you want to dig in further or perhaps fix the issues that are happening around you or anyone you know try the following.
    Take the Red pill-------------- dont follow it and you will be back to your daily paranormal routine and you dont need to read the post further.

    Take the Blue pill----------- and see how deep the rabbit hole goes..

    I am not sure what you beleive in so just be open minded and dont judge my post. you will see the results on your own..

    1) Research some parts of the Holy book Quran in audio that is used for performing "ruqya" which means healing from jinns. Compile them together.

    2) Once you are finished compiling them in audio just play it loud in the house every day and you will see the results..

    Another point to be noted spirits = jinns they are made of fire.

    These kind of activities are really common in 3rd world countries.
    i know many people that were just healed by the verses from Quran. I respect your relegion and everyones religion on your website.

  21. I understand you are going through all this paranormal activity. If you want to dig in further or perhaps fix the issues that are happening around you or anyone you know try the following.
    Take the Red pill-------------- dont follow it and you will be back to your daily paranormal routine and you dont need to read the post further.

    Take the Blue pill----------- and see how deep the rabbit hole goes..

    I am not sure what you beleive in so just be open minded and dont judge my post. you will see the results on your own..

    1) Research some parts of the Holy book Quran in audio that is used for performing "ruqya" which means healing from jinns. Compile them together.

    2) Once you are finished compiling them in audio just play it loud in the house every day and you will see the results..

    Another point to be noted spirits = jinns they are made of fire.

    These kind of activities are really common in 3rd world countries.
    i know many people that were just healed by the verses from Quran. I respect your relegion and everyones religion on your website.

  22. What is an "Orb"? why do not you write more blog or show us new video `s? Are you okay? Or You are now on the "other side" Please sign up again, we worry!

  23. Your doing a great job! I have been watching your videos. I can relate. You are not alone.


  24. Okay folks slow your rolls here. I've been investigating for many many years and one of the worst things you can do is let your imagination run wild. This is NOT demon activity. This is all indicative of an Intelligent Haunting.
    #1 True demonic activity is VERY few and far between and 9/10 happens to only extremely religious families. I don't know who told you it was Demonic in nature but I hope you didn't pay them money. True paranormal researchers/psychics/mediums will never charge for their services as it is immoral to do so.
    #2 no one can look at a video on the web and tell you that you have "#" spirits living with you . . . .you need to actually be there in order to assess the situation. Never rely on "feelings" when gathering evidence. Feelings are not hard evidence. It doesn't matter if they are your own feelings or someone else's. Rely ONLY on the physical evidence that you can gather. Like your videos.
    #3 those "orbs" that ya'll are talking about is just dust being lit up as it pass the lens by the back light of the camera, it happens all the time. Even more so with IR light.
    #4 If you decide to contact it, do so ONLY with an seasoned investigator, and ONLY allow them to use research equipment. Do NOT do so with so-called "psychics" or "mediums" and if they pull out a Ouija Board . . . dismiss them immediately. Never allow those things in your home.

    If you have any questions, I am available to give you advice, free of charge. I would like to help. I don't know where you live, but if I were close I would have no issues doing an investigation there. I am not afraid of spirits, they fascinate me and I want to learn more from them. Here is a video I made called "My Paranormal Journey" I have gathered a bunch of the evidence that I have collected over the years and put them into one video.

    If you ever need me, I'm just a simple message away.

  25. The Orb at about 6:39 min. in the top video does it for me. I have only watched the first one so far, but this is some creepy stuff man. Get the heck out of their if you haven't already. Good Luck.

  26. I saw several orbs just before each of the events on your first vid. The knocking before the door opens and the guitar sound happen after a few more orbs show around 5:30. I would have moved out if I were you mostly since I'm sensitive to that kind of stuff. I stay away from it as much as possible.

  27. Your story and video footage are both truly unique!!! Although the whole situation is somewhat terrifying, its amazing to watch. You are brave!!!

    Since moving to your new place, have you noticed any activity? Or are you under the impression that the demon stayed with the previous home?

  28. Hey! Why did you delete all your videos? Are you alive? I am scared to something happen to you. Please reply me to my mail:
    Thank you!
