Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ghost in My Apartment 7

Enjoy my seventh VID!


  1. I'm kind of on the fence about this video, I see the water faucet being turned on, but just before, there's some clicks, then a couple of tiny lights on top of the right faucet handle appear, then when the water starts, the faucet handle seems to glow. Kind of looks faked like it was on a timer. Then with the camera movement, not sure about that either, since I didn't see any movement from the tripod, or the light reflection on the walls when the camera moved. Maybe get a mini tripod and put it on a chair so we can see the legs touching the chair seat. Good video though, but still on the fence with this one.

  2. na... looks real to me but its probably someone under the sink turning it and then they move the bottom of the tripod

  3. i love you Joseph or Joe.. but i call bs. as much as i would like to believe...its too obvious to be real. i know computers...and imagery..and even military apparatuses. good vids tho. thank you for your service! :-)

  4. You haven't mentioned any EVP's yet, so have you tried recording in your apartment when you're home, and when you're gone, to see if you capture any odd sounds or voices?

    1. good idea, about trying EVPs...

  5. This is the only video of yours I have questioned but I don't know why you would fake a video when you wouldn't need to so I'm torn

  6. I would put locks on all knife drawers and sleep with the key mate. Similar thing happened close to me in uk. A guy ended up getting bludgeoned to death with a tack hammer.

  7. There are a couple of people on youtube that I think would help you figure out who or what it is. Steve Huff has a evp channel(Huff paranormal) and another goodone is evpinvestigations. Both get unbelievable and clear evp's. I believe both people who be happy to help you out. If you contact them, please record that for us too? It would be very interesting, I'm sure..

  8. whats up with that breath i hear as soon as you turn off the lights? it sounds right next to the camera mic. evp??

  9. you keep messing with that thing and it will only get worse. although it does seem to be very child like, flickering light switches playing with the stove and water. still i would move or something. definetly stop provocking it.

  10. I believe this, my friend. There are too many things going on in your vids that proves you're legit. Question is: Why don't you start doing some investigation yourself ie. EVP's, further documentation, history investigation of the property? I think you're cut out for this kind of stuff and I wish I was near so I could join you!

  11. I'm wondering if these videos are edited or if the ghost always knows to do stuff 40ish seconds after you walk away.

  12. Yeah, gonna have to call shenanigans on these, even though you are likable and come off as somewhat sincere, this has my spidey sense a-quakin'. Now you come up missing. Poor form, bro.

  13. They do come across as legit to me, and are probably edited so the 'action' happens for us viewers sooner rather than a few hours in ;-) ... but I do wonder whether you do the same intro to camera re updates and so on on every shoot, or just the ones where activity takes place!!!?!
