Sunday, June 10, 2012

What is Watching!

I noticed since I have been home the past couple of days that I always feel like there is something looking over my shoulder, constantly. I always catch myself turning around suddenly, but never seeing anything! It may just be my nerves considering all the things that go on in my apartment on a daily occurrence now! Also I could have almost swore I felt someone or something next to me in bed last night it was very crazy and it really did scare me. Anyways if anyone wants to comment on this and tell me what they think I would enjoy that. Thanks for your time and support! 


  1. That is so scary! Do you live alone?..
    I admire your courage. I would loose my mind if I was going through something like that. I wish you the best :)

    1. yes I do live alonne! and thank you for your support!

    2. could it possibly be someone u know? like for example a child or a teen and if so or not maybe try to contact it. only 4 years ago when i was 10 something every night for a year would haunt me, ill tell u all the details at
      and if this is a fake job well done!

  2. you're welcome! ..have you thought of maybe getting a pet to keep you company?

  3. Hi Joseph. I sent you a message on your GhostInMyApartment facebook page. I know someone who has a lot of experience with such things, and he offered a solution for you, which you can do on your own quite easily. Can you confirm that you received my facebook message?
    Bill Demerais

  4. I dont know where u live..But I have been involved in the paranormal field now 9 yrs(I run my own paranormal group)and have experienced the paranormal my whole I know what u are going through..if u have any questions please feel free to contact me at or u can contact me at my personal email,my group also has a website

  5. i think that maybe you should get some sage and burn it and walk around with the sage in every room maybe try some holy relics,or simply try telling the spirit or w.e it is that its dead and to simply to go to god,ive done that in some cases where we had confirmed helpings and after we assured it that it was safe to leave all activity ceased

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. sorry changing my comment.
    If you find a good researcher I would love to see what they find. Im curiuos. Apartment hauntings are VERY rare.
    You ever get around texas, holla.I will buy you a beer and tell ya a real ghost story.

  8. We are all born with guardian angels and have you thought that the ones that you are feeling standing behind you could be them. They are there to protect you and guide you in the right direction and are close.

    There are many things if you wish to keep at this that you need to learn and that is cleansing, grounding and protecting. Never mock the spirit world as it is serious, but normally when someone passes they go on to pastures new and go to their place of healing. Also consider that we also have to be on the same wave length of the spirit for them to tune into us.

    Maybe you need to think that when you feel the ones close to you, they are not the scary ones that people always like to think they are, but the loving healing guardian angels.

    Guardian Angels can be anyone, we often see them on the earth plain and these can be the kindest people we meet. But a spiritual guardian angel can even be a family member that has passed over, and it is possible they are staying close to you to keep you safe.

    Love and light x

  9. That is definitely a demon. Rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ and it will leave. Keep a Holy Bible with you while you sleep.

  10. Joseph you are really cute. Let me know if you ever need some company ;)

  11. Dude, please leave this house. I have lived in varying degrees of haunted places (from really active to really subtle) and trust me, you don't want to live with this one. This is not a normal haunting. I am Pagan and I STILL recommend calling a priest and having this apartment blessed, then smudging with sage weekly thereafter. Pray as you do it, out loud, ask for help as you do it from whatever higher power you believe in. This isn't anything to mess with. GTFO now. Even if you aren't a religious person, that is the kind of thing that may help. These spirits in your home have crossed the line of safety, as you showed on the vid with the kitchen burner turning on - apparently on high. Do you realize how dangerous it is for you to be there? Living in a place with this kind of energy can be seriously damaging to your health, your relationships, your finances - every single aspect of your life. Move as soon as possible, stay there as little as possible. For now, get the priest. *Do it today*. Blessed Be and Good Luck! <3 BTW, if this is a hoax, congratulations on a job well done.

  12. Hey man, I'm sure you've heard everything possible at this point. I just wanted to tell you that I lived in a similar situation for years and I understand that it can scary as hell and interesting at the same time. Don't get to the point where fascination puts you in danger. This thing will escalate. Other than that awesome videos pal, stay safe.

  13. Just curious if you've had any luck in locating someone in the paranormal investigation field? If so..let us know or video if possible what they determine.

    'There is no spance between Life and Death. No difference between Love and Hate. If all you believe in, is all you can see? Your flesh will be a waste and your soul lost eternally.'

  14. Hi Joseph,
    I have experienced this type of paranormal events before. I believe I can help you if you want it.
    If so, I will write you in private on this matter. Please let me know where to write you.
    Thank you and god bless you!

  15. joseph,
    please get the hell out of there!
    I'm afraid your next video will be of you with your head spinning spitting out pea soup.
    If this is really legit, and escalating listen to the pagan poster and get yourself a priest! AND a realtor!


  17. Hi...Did they ever hurt you? If No..relax... maybe it must be a playful spirit.....Now if you answer is Yes...Be careful Demons spirit don't the man said...Get the hell out of there!
    - Rio de Janeiro

  18. Ok I just saw this post. Your feeling it now? I am all for watching your videos and getting a thrill but seriously you need to take care of yourself sugar. Please please be safe!!

  19. mmmm l have experience this countless times. when ever u feel that feeling again just get some water and throw over u and also the area ur in.

  20. I have had a lot of experience with the paranormal. You can cleanse the apartment if you want it to stop. I have used this before and it works well. You need to burn sage and while your walking through the apartment say a prayer and TELL it to go away NICELY. If you want get a medium to help you. If it harms you in anyway get a priest IMMEDIATELY. Demons and poltergeists aren't good, trust me.
